FOOTWORK LAB®'s productivity

FOOTWORK LAB® Customization Center

Remote customization center, timely cloud synchronization of front-end AI detection data reports and evaluation consulting information;
Customization engineers select personalized product solutions based on individual usage scenarios and current status, and conduct customization operations,

Industrial Design Center

Established a provincial design center, the only foot wear industrial design center in Chongqing;
Received the Red Star Award of China Industrial Design;
Own design team to realize product solutions combining medical theory and technology.

Intelligent Supply Center

Intelligent manufacturing supply center, providing raw material pre-processing and improving the efficiency of supply chain turnover;
Digital manufacturing management system with flexible production model to guarantee the personalized needs of thousands of people;
Implementation of strict quality management, certified by IOS9001.

Innovative DCC Dynamic Correction Core

Innovative Dynamic Correction Core, an innovative structure combined with innovative material technology.
Personalized configuration based on individual data to help in dynamic adjustment and correction in the dynamic state.
Every step of the dynamic correction process is a training session.

Exclusive customized products, personalized solutions

It's a solution for the foot, not an accessory for the shoe.
It is an exclusive solution developed by FOOTWORKLAB according to the different wearing scenarios and intensity needs of different individuals.